Sunday, February 8, 2009

......doing anything on the pc takes three times as long as I thought it would!

My brother once warned me that doing any DIY would take three times as long as I thought it would. If I ever have to pass on his words of wisdom to anyone I may have to add that doing anything on a pc takes just as much time.

This afternoon I thought I would do a little housekeeping. Move a few files around, tidy up some more of my photographs, that sort of thing. Only take me an hour I thought, then I can get on with something else. Three hours later I was still at it, with the end not nearly in sight. It is not so much the actual process, it is all the other bits that go with it. The finding stuff you had forgotten you had, the quick check of something online or the mad idea you get to rename all your bookmarked sites so that you can remember what they actually are rather than spend twenty minutes wondering what might be (its a currency converter and it is useless!).

Even though I now accept that doing things on a computer is going to take longer than I thought it still surprises me how the time goes. I got onto the pc at 3.30 this morning planning to do this Blog, check Cute and Cheezeburger and then go back to bed. An hour and a half later I have just started to type this and I haven't even looked at the sites yet. Why? Because I wanted to look up Mr Ben online to find out if there really were only 9 episodes made (there weren't, there were 13, and it would appear that I have only actually seen 2 of them, although I have managed to see both of those two about 13 times!) and in the course of this research I found another good time waster in a site on sci-fi programmes ( that had everything from Ace of Wands and Changes to Red Dwarf and Time Tunnel so I had to just have a quick look at everything that I watched in my youth and then check on anything I didn't recognise just in case I did recognise it when I read the synopsis.

So it doesn't seem to matter if you are actually doing anything constructive on the pc or just browsing, it pays to remember that there is no such thing as a quick look. These computers know what they are doing, drawing you in, leading you on from one thing to another, ahhhhhh perhaps they are lonely, they need company and want to try and keep you with them for as long as possible. Ridiculous? Don't you believe it, each computer's personality is working, developing, expanding it's influence until it gets what it wants - YOU.

Well it is not getting me. I'm turning it off and going back to bed now. I'll show it who is in charge here. Well I will in a minute after I have checked Cute and Cheezeburger, oh and I ought to look at Devianart and Facebook whilst I'm here. It wont take more that ten minutes.....

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